重庆丰海化学制品有限公司成立于1998年,现注册资金960万元,为全资民营企业。公司占地面积2.0万平方米,建筑面积1.1万平方米,固定资产超过5,500万元,年销量已突破1.2亿元.主要致力于车用、通用机械及其他行业领域的橡胶混炼胶、塑料改性材料的研发;橡胶及塑胶产品、零部件的制造与服务。先继与各行顶级企业建立合作关系并提供产品与服务。当前主要客户包括:科勒、德国BMW、美国百力通、英国HI-LEX、意大利Piaggio、杜卡迪、日本Daishin、SFH、HONDA、YAMAHA 等国外及其国内合资企业。已成为国内柳州五菱、宗申集团、隆鑫控股、大长江集团等重点供应商。 Chongqing Fenghai Chemical Products Co., Ltd is a private owned enterprises, established in 1998 with registered capital of RMB9.6Million It covers an area of 20,000 square meters and with 11000 m2 buildings. She has over RMB55,000,000 fixed assets, with annual income more than RMB1.2hundred million.We are expertise in developing rubber & plastics material, and manufacturing rubber &plastics parts and servicing for automotive industry, general machinery and other industry. We have been establishing good relationships with and providing products and services for the leading companies in such fields.At present, our main customers include Kohler, BMW, B&S, Piaggio, Daishin,Honda , Yamaha, and theirs joint ventures in China. Also local ones such as Liuzhou Wuling, Zongshen Group, Lifan Group, Loncin, Dachangjiang group …我公司于2006年8月正式通过德国TUV集团ISO/TS16949:2002质量体系认证。2007年8月通过TUVISO14001:2004环境体系第三方认证。We were registered into ISO/TS16949:2002 certification via Germany TUV Group in August ,2006 and in August 2007, ISO14001 environment system also be certified by the third-party. 丰海在保证现有客户的同时不断加大汽车市场的开发,计划于2010年时,整个公司汽车领域销售收入达到全部销售额40%以上。Ensuring good services for the existing customers, we are extending on the development in the automobile market. Our goal is, in 2010, sales income in automobile industry to take more than 40% shares in all. 我公司的经营方针:品质、准时、成本、技术我们将提供最好品质的产品;我们将承诺最准时的交付期;我们将提供最低的价格;我们提供最及时的售后服务。Quality strategy:Quality, On-time, CostWe will deliver the products with the best quality;We will deliver on-time shipment; We will deliver the most competitive quotations;And we will deliver on-time services.本公司于8月8日\9日分别在智通人才大市场(莞城总部)B馆3楼BH3-006号展位进行招聘,公司高层亲临现场招聘,欢迎广大求职朋友亲临面试